Monday, August 31, 2020
I'm Alright, Nobody Worry 'Bout Me
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Group 1
I miss travel, but I didn't realize...
United Airlines also misses me.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Forever Blue
The list of (first world, trivial) things Covid-19 has taken from us seems to never end. Races, vacations, the ability to go to the office. Seeing other people. Hugs. In-person church. Not feeling like every venture out is like navigating the cave in the Goonies and NEVER EVER getting to One-Eyed Willie's ship. We have tried to be grateful for the time this has given us together, tried not to be (too) whiny, tried to take stock of our blessing.
But this latest...
My husband, former high school, college and semi-pro player and former high school coach, may never recover.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Back Again

After five months of closure, they finally came to an agreement! There is now a free reservation system, and for the first couple of weeks, they are limiting reservations to (I think) 35 every 30 minutes.
I got my first reservation this morning.